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Dave Plane

Dave Plane @ orpington Folk Club 2001

Multi instrumentalist Dave, entertains with folk, blues and country music, contemporary and old time.
Singers & Musicians Night
Singers night are an excellent time to try out that new song you've been practising or why not just come and listen.
Geoff Higginbottom
Geoff Higginbottom @ orpington Folk Club 2001
The 17th May is Orpington Folk Club's 36 birthday.  Yes 36 years!  How did we do it? To help us celebrate Tonights guest is Geoff Higginbottom a fine performer of traditional, contemporary and shanty songs. Loud and lively!
Singers & Musicians Night
Kim Brett
Kim Brett @ Orpington Folk Club 2001
Local boy makes good!   An experianced floor singer Goes semi-pro for the night.  Excellent singer guitarist.
Orpington Folk Club
Orpington Folk Music & Song