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Linda Watkins Trio
LInda Watkins & Mike Moyse @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change of Horses 2012
Linda lives in Bucks and is a singer, songwriter and guitarist.  She is joined by Mike Moyse on basses, guitar and cajon and Peter Ball on Welsh harp, violin and accordion.  All of them are song writers so you're in for a treat as new songs keep popping up with some neat musical arrangements!
Singers & Musicians Night
Sing a song, play a tune, or just come to listen and enjoy the friendly atmosphere.
Richard Grainger
Richard Grainger
Richard is a guitarist, singer, songwriter, innovator, writer and entertainer. 
He comes from the north east and lives in a small moorland village in North Yorkshire.  Richard has been performing on the folk scene for many years and his songs have achieved wide recognition.  He has a clear and captivating vocal style and his CDs have received much critical acclaim.
Singers & Musicians Night
Orpington Folk Club
Orpington Folk Music & Song