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Boondock Band
Boon Dock on the beach

This is a Brighton based four piece playing accordion, fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin and Bodhran.  The band plays Irish, English, Cornish, Scottish, Russian, Klezmer and other traditional folk music.  They also have a wide repertoire of songs in all of these styles. Check out their web site.

Boondock Band More...

Hartley Morris & Singers & Musicians Night
Hartley Morris @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change of Horses 2013
This has now become a 'traditional' feature.  After the usual session of performers from the floor, Hartley Singers will hold forth in the bar, after dancing outside.

49th Birthday Night
A Night to Celebrate the OFC's 49th Birthday
Frank Bingham & Ivan North @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change of Horses 2014

With Hot Spots from :-

The New Levee Breakers:- (Ivan North, Frank Bingham & Jacquie)

James &; Steve Shorey (Grizzly Mutts):-
(More Grizzly Mutts Here.. & Here...)

Les Elvin
Les Elvin @

Les is a Croydon based singer guitarist who specialises in rag time music.

Singers & Musicians Night
Singers nights are a popular part of the club's program with all types of acoustic folk music and songs performed. This is the chance for SOLO or GROUPS of singer musicians to come and showcase their talent.
Orpington Folk Club
Orpington Folk Music & Song