SE Train
SE Train Information

National enquires phone numberwww.southeasternrailway.co.uk

Direct link to plan your journey

South Eastern Trains London connections map (Formely Connex SE)
National rail Logo
Orpington Station
Please see: Local map
South Eastern Train Map

Buses  : From Orpington Station

The 358 can be caught on the downside of the station at the terminus and will take you via the Walnuts Shopping centre to Green Street Green then Farnborough Village.

The 61 going towards Locksbottom will require a walk from Locksbottom to Farnborough village or catch the, 358 outside the 'Princess Royal Hospital' towards Farnborough and Green Street Green.

The 51 will take you to Orpington High Street, Opposite McDonalds restaurant. The 358 can be caught outside McDonalds to take you to the club from there.

(Please see the bus services pages)
358  61  51
Please check your return journey times.

Taxi & Mini cabs  : Taxis are available on the upside of the station at the Taxi rank.
Clover Cars  :
Cannon Cars  :
Lightining Cars :
AAA Minicabs :
(01689 876 611)
(01689 822 222)  www.cannoncars.co.uk
(01689 666 666)
(0208 650 5050) www.aaaminicabs.com

We look forward to seeing you at the club.

As at 29/08/2023 please notify us of any errors or omissions that would be usefull to others and any suggestions you might have to improve this page.

Orpington Folk Club
Orpington Folk Music & Song