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Bob Kenward
Bob Kenward @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change of Horses 2011

Bob is a prolific author of songs and poems aimed at creating a 'modern tradition' for Kent.  He makes new songs from local news and these have become very popular with other performers.  'Man of Kent' is popularly known as the 'Kent Anthem'.

He is a resident at Tonbridge Folk Club and runs the Woodshed session in the Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, throughout the year.

Singers & Musicians Night (To be held in the Bar)  Singers & Musicians night with PA
If you can sing, play an instrument or do both at the same time, then tonights your night.  Open to all new comers and veterans alike.  A warm welcome is assurd.
Robin Slater & Brian Cope
Robin Slater @ Orpington Folk Club the Change of Horses 2011

A unique night featuring one of the residents and guest singer.  Robin hails from Lancashire and has maintained a great effort to hold on to his accent!  He has a very varied collection of material;  from northern folk to southern pop songs.

B rian Cope @ Orpington Folk Club the Change of Horses 2011
Brian Cope is an unaccompanied singer originally from the West Country.  His repertoire includes chorus songs and music hall.  It should be an interesting evening!
Martin Young & Ramona Egle
Martin Young @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change Horses 2011Ramona Egle @ Orpington Folk Club, the Change of Horses 2011

Martin describes himself as a ‘folk singer with roots firmly in theEnglish Tradition’.  His repertoire includes traditional and contemporary songs.  He’s also a songwriter whose songs are becoming increasingly better known.

Ramona plays Celtic harp.  She features mainly traditional music plus pieces from the Medieval, Renaissance and Elizabethan period.

Singers & Musicians Night (To be held in the Bar)  Singers & Musicians night with PA
Orpington Folk Club
Orpington Folk Music & Song